Marketing is the entirety of strategies and techniques used to promote, sell, and manage customer relationships for a product or service to a specific target audience. Marketing aims to manage communication and interaction between businesses offering products or services to meet consumers' needs and desires.
The marketing process encompasses steps such as product or service design, pricing, promotion, distribution, and sales. Its goal is to create a conducive environment for consumers to notice, prefer, purchase, and subsequently repurchase the product or service.
Marketing serves various purposes such as enhancing customer satisfaction in a competitive environment, improving brand awareness, increasing market share, stimulating sales, and establishing long-term customer relationships. Therefore, marketing strategies are crucial for the growth and success of businesses.
Pazarlama süreci, ürün veya hizmetin tasarımından başlayarak, fiyatlandırma, tanıtım, dağıtım ve satış gibi adımları içerir. Bu süreç, tüketicilerin ürün veya hizmeti fark etmeleri, tercih etmeleri, satın almaları ve sonrasında tekrar satın almaları için uygun ortamı oluşturmayı hedefler.
Pazarlama, rekabetçi bir ortamda müşteri memnuniyetini artırmak, marka bilinirliğini geliştirmek, pazar payını artırmak, satışları teşvik etmek ve uzun vadeli müşteri ilişkileri kurmak gibi pek çok amaca hizmet eder. Bu nedenle, işletmelerin büyüme ve başarıları için pazarlama stratejileri büyük önem taşır.
A marketer is a professional who works in a business or marketing agency and is responsible for increasing sales of a product or service, enhancing brand awareness, managing customer relationships, and implementing marketing strategies. Marketers typically analyze consumer needs and desires, identify target audiences, develop marketing strategies, and execute these strategies.
Marketers can operate across a wide range of areas, including brand management, digital marketing, social media marketing, advertising, public relations, sales management, market research, and more. They should possess creative and analytical skills to respond to customer demands effectively and communicate to increase customer satisfaction.
Marketers also take on tasks such as measuring the effectiveness of marketing strategies, monitoring competition, and tracking market trends. In this way, they help businesses continually improve their marketing efforts and adapt to changing conditions.